Solano Wireless Internet

Fast. Reliable. Friendly. Local.

Solano Wireless Internet | High-Speed Internet Access, Serving Rural Northern Solano and Western Yolo Counties, California

How important are Wifi security & passwords

The types of wireless security encryption has evolved over the years. However, with identity theft being such a growing crime, we only recommend using wifi security settings known as "WPA2-Personal +AES or PSK." In addition to the greatest security currently available, it also allows for the strongest wifi connection at the best speeds.

To learn more about the different types of wifi security, please see this Wikipedia article.

Here are some great tools in creating secure passwords. And by the way, the "latest thinking" on secure passwords is no longer those convoluted ones with letters, numbers, symbols, etc. (e.g. B$210^sDee0z#9) It's now believed that the "longer" a password is (>15 characters), the more secure it is. That's why you will see it more common to have 2-3 words and a number as a password (e.g., like Netgear does on their routers). Plus, that makes it easier to remember. So a new, secure password would be something like applerocket456.

"I don't need a password, I live in the middle of nowhere"

Probably the biggest misconception some folks have. And here's why.... even though you might not be able to connect your smart phone or laptop to your router's wifi from the end of your driveway, anyone who buys an Internet antenna (like you have on your roof) can point it up to 15 miles away and scan for unsecured wireless networks. It's like using a telescope for wifi. So secure your wireless router or risk someone from miles away using your connection (like to do other illegal things).